OpenMRS System Administration OWA

Kailayapathy Suthagar
2 min readJun 26, 2017


Week 4 [June 21, 2017 — June 26, 2017]

I have completed SystemInfo OWA last week and started to working on Encounters according to my timeline. There are some features wanted to implement in the Encounters module in my OWA.

Apart from that, I wanted to prepare my first evolution which is going to start on June 26, 2017.

System Administration OWA

I want to implement SysAdmin OWA with this following modules this time,

  1. Module Management — Contains all the functionalities for module management including Start, Stop, Remove and Install Modules. You can take a look at here
  2. System Information — Contains all the information about OpenMRS Server including Java Runtime Information, Database information and Other some common information. You can take a look at here
  3. Encounters — Encounter management including add new encounter and manage those details

I have prepared all those modules separately(During week 1–4)and combined those into One Module as SysAdmin OWA. So I want to develop one Home Page to access those modules. Now It all are working properly and users can access each features using that home page.

You check my following GitHub to review the implemented part,

I have attached some screenshots which are modified up to now,

Updated Module Management Page
Updated Module Installation Page

I am working with Encounters module to complete those functionalities. and there are some pending working to complete SystemInfo OWA, Those are,

  1. OpenMRS header modifications including Login, Location details
  2. Implementation of OpenMRS breadcrumbs
  3. OWA REST Calls authentications and OWA Session managements

I will complete this following parts within this week to complete SysAdmin module.

Waiting for my first evolution …. :-)



Kailayapathy Suthagar
Kailayapathy Suthagar

Written by Kailayapathy Suthagar

Software Engineer @ Sysco Labs, Google Summer of Code Intern @ OpenMRS

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